Monday, September 14, 2009

Here are some things that amused/scared me out West....

1. Hidden meanings?
2. A sign on a box on the shuttle bus to the car rental place said...
"Bloodbourne pathogens - infection prevention kit"
I guess they're ready for the zombie invasion.

3. Technical climbers start young here, I guess.

4. At first it looks like an innocent Popeyes poster... then you read the bottom right hand corner.
5. How do you get in that door again?

6. What happened to the person wearing it is what I want to know...

7. Um, ok, I get it. Don't go near the squirrel, don't go near the squirrel, don't go near the squirrel..."

8. Look! They make miniature pueblos at the hotels! (Yeah, it's my dad's lame joke...)

9. Wait a second...

10. They don't believe in Daylight savings time here. 

11. Now I can say it in 7 different lanuguages! (this is at the Lake Powell visitor's center, by the way)

12. If you really need this sign you're already off the edge.

13. Interrogation

14. This is how I feel when I get in the shower.

15. Pwease, can I have jwest a widdle bit? :(

16. Not a good sign. 

17. Honestly, is that the best you can come up with?

18. Denver, home of... "Cape Cod potato chips!" Yay! Hey... wait a second...

19. The tornado shelter doubles as a women's room. 

20. Sunrise at the Grand Canyon... and the little boy is playing with rocks or a bug or something. 


  1. I don't get the one about popeyes creamy stuff...

  2. Well, I'm not sure about you but it seems to me like that's a really awkward metaphor. I mean, who wants to eat something that "settles in the stomach like a 'thick electric blanket'"? It's disturbing.
