I spy with my little eye... an animal in all these pictures. Click to see up closer... I think. I hate this website... the type size is never the same and it mixes up the pictures.
Easy ones first

Now some harder ones...

And a bonus... more like "What IS that thing!?!" rather than "Where is that thing."
When I first saw it (a long time after I took it) I thought it was an icecube at the beach.
1. A squirrel... or as my little brother used to call it, a snuck. (In the tree between the branches.)
2. A Stick-bug... a wonder we sighted it. (Smack dab in the middle of the picture, if you can't see it I'd advise glasses.)
3. A Heron (To the right of the tree.)
4. Crayfish (Center left, in between 2 rocks. There may be more.)
5. Crawdads (Center left, bit down from middle.) (Crayfish and Crawdads are both names for a small, lobster-like creature that lives in fresh water.)
6. A guinea hen in the tree (Center) This one is actually harder close up than it is far away, in my opinion.
7. Sandpiper-ish bird (Almost directly in middle.)
8. Another Sandpiper (As far from the right side as the bottle is from the left, about.)
9. A Sun-fish (Upper right center, swimming out of the clouds to the left in that opening in the clouds.)
10. A crayfish or a crawdad... this one's difficult... I keep on almost throwing it away cause it's so blurry. (Almost filling the whole picture, center.)
And the bonus: A sand-covered Jellywish.
Rats... only the first one will zoom in. I'll have to try to get my computer-wiz dad to fix it if he can... sorry. It's impossible to find them THAT small. Argh.
ReplyDeleteOk, I reloaded them as "large" and now they're doing it again.
ReplyDeleteJust a note, on #7 the sandpiper is almost all the way center LEFT. I don't want to edit it lest I create more problems. Sorry.