Monday, June 1, 2009

Hypocrisy = Mad me

This guy posted a rant against homeschoolers, being a homeschooler myself I was naturally offended and annoyed with the guy. I did not write my own response because I tried and realized that I could not be calm and rational about it. I mean, comm'on the guy insulted my mother! That's even worse than insulting me (he did that too).

My dad (hi dad!) did write a response, however. It's a lot better than mine would have been. Since you probably don't want to read all 442 loooooong comments, (yeah, we homeschoolers don't like being blatantly stereotyped!) here's my dad's post:

"Let me see if I’m understanding the argument. Homeschooling is bad because:

10. When homeschooled kids get to college they’ll be mocked by the kids socialized by constant peer relations and educated in public schools to be tolerant and celebrate diversity.

9. Learning can’t take place at a kitchen table.

8. It’s selfish to give your kids a good education at home when others are doomed to a poor one at public schools.

7. You should send your kids to public schools to proselytize the heathen there.

6. You can’t teach a subject if you don’t have an advanced degree in that subject. (We’ll just ignore the fact that most public school teachers don’t hold degrees in the subjects they teach)

5. I’m personally offended by people who aren’t like me, who make different choices and have different beliefs. (Incidentally, you should send your kids to me so I can teach them to be tolerant and celebrate diversity.)

3 & 4. Only constant, day in day out non-stop social interaction with people who aren’t like you, who make different choices and have different beliefs will make you tolerant of them. (see point #5 to see how well this worked for me!)

2. It’s too risky to attempt getting a superior education. You should do the safe thing and settle.

1. Homeschoolers are different from me, I personally have a hard time relating to them. They should be more like me, you know: capable of dealing with people who are different."


  1. That article was a little irksome, and to be blunt, rather ignorant. As much as I respect his profession, he showed immaturity and a uninformed opinion of homeschooling.

  2. And that's putting it politely. ;)
